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Tarpon. Bonefish. Permit. All in one day. All on one line. That’s the idea behind the Mastery Grand Slam, a fly line designed specifically to help you achieve one of angling’s most elusive accomplishments. With a short, powerful head the Grand Slam cuts through wind and turns over crabs, shrimp, and tarpon toads with ease. We’ve got the line. You just need the fish.

  • Designed for demanding tropical saltwater applications

  • Loads rods quickly, cuts through wind with ease, and turns over big saltwater flies

  • Short, powerful head for quick casts to moving targets

  • Overweighted to load rods quickly and efficiently

  • Tropi-Core™ technology for tropical climates

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SCIENTIFIC ANGLERS Шнур для соленой воды Mastery Grand Slam Lt.Blue/Aqua WF-9-F Скидок скидка ограничена Менее 5-ти штук в наличии 9710 
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