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Mastery Grand Slam Amplitude SCIENTIFIC ANGLERS

The first series of lines to feature the revolutionary AST PLUS slickness additive, the Amplitude will shoot farther and last longer than any other line on the market. It’s slickness down to a science.

Tarpon. Bonefish. Permit. All in one day. All on one fly line. That’s the idea behind the Amplitude Grand Slam, a line designed specifically to help you achieve one of angling’s most elusive accomplishments. With a short, powerful head the Grand Slam cuts through wind and turns over crabs, shrimp, and tarpon toads with ease. We’ve got the line. You just need the fish.

  • Features the revolutionary AST Plus slickness additive for superior shooting ability and increased durability
  • Floating Texture on the tip section for the ultimate in flotation
  • Shooting Texture running line delivers longer casts
  • Designed for demanding tropical saltwater applications
  • Loads rods quickly, cuts through the wind with ease, and turns over big saltwater flies
  • Short, powerful head for quick casts to moving targets
  • Tropi-Core technology for tropical climates

Наименование Скидки Наличие Цена Кол-во
SCIENTIFIC ANGLERS Шнур для соленой воды Amplitude Grand Slam Pale Yellow/Sand/Horizon WF- 9-F Скидок скидка ограничена Менее 5-ти штук в наличии 15780 
SCIENTIFIC ANGLERS Шнур для соленой воды Amplitude Grand Slam Pale Yellow/Sand/Horizon WF-12-F Скидок скидка ограничена Менее 5-ти штук в наличии 15780 
Более 5-ти штук Менее 5-ти штук Cроки уточняйте у менеджера Нет в наличии
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