Универсальные шнуры в тропическом исполнении на плетеном многожильном корде 50LB
Общий вес головы шнура(~11м) около 30 грамм, что примерно соответствует 11му классу оверхэдного шнура, демонстрирует умеренное поведение "bullet taper", так как вес головы в целом смещен в передние 5м головы, но длинный пологий переход в ранинг позволяет выстреливать из любого положения. Это дает возможность использовать с этими шнурами морское удилище с 9 по 12й класс, выбирая оптимальную точку выстреливания по загрузке бланка.
Из-за более равномерного, чем в типичных морских bullet taper шнурах, распределения массы, шнур позволяет перекладывать голову кольцевым забросом, что дает возможность быстро радикально поменять направление заброса, а так же поднимать с воды значительную длину шнура. При ловле в прибое иногда удобно перекладывать шнур прямо перед волной ей "за спину".

Модифицированное удилище KS Ocean 9' #12
Некоторые фото из очередной поездки в Оман. М.Скопец
Для ловли в скалах, в сильной прибойной волне, с лодки при ощутимом волнении, более применима интермедиальная версия, которая сразу садится в воду и не дергает приманку при проводке, мушка подается чуть глубже. Подъем интермедиального шнура в конце проводки так же удобно делать используя промежуточный кольцевой заброс на воду перед собой.
Bermuda Shorts lets you blast with a single
backcast. it’s the fast-loading tropical fly
line for lightning speed delivery. try the cool
new Bermuda Shorts Triangle Taper when
quick casting is critical. made to stand up to
tropical heat, and float high for easy pickups.
When timing is crucial, Bermuda Shorts give
you leg up. J3 coating with welded loop for a
quick leader change.
Floating, tropic blue/sand
We've combined Joan's innovative color-coding system for easier loading and casting with the Bermuda Triangle Taper to create a great flats line. The color changes at the head to alert you to the optimal casting length. Saves precious seconds by eliminating excess false casts. 105' length with a 30' head.
Line up with our newest family of fly lines, the Bermuda Triangle Tapers. Built to withstand the wilting heat of tropical flats and blistering decks, this line will continue to cast like a rocket when others have folded up. That's because we build it around a special 16-strand braided monofilament core that stays stiff to deliver blazing casts -- even in blazing heat. The finish is also harder and slicker than our regular saltwater lines, with a slightly bumpy texture that helps facilitate longer casts. And, because it's a Triangle
Taper, it features a tip that can be customized. The lighter, neutral colors "disappear" into the sea and sky for added stealth. Works best at temperatures above 70 degrees Fahrenheit but can be used at lower temperatures. 105' length, with a 30' taper, and a 75' running line.

Saltwater Shooting Taper - cверхкороткотелый шнур для ловли на «стрип» в тропиках.
Короткотелый шнур Kola Salmon, «Saltwater Shooting Taper», разработан для ловли «нахлыстом» на крупные мушки и стримера; особенно, эффективен в ветреную погоду. Позволяет безупречно контролировать шнур.
- Незаменим для «нахлыста» в тропиках
- Выполнен на корде 50LB
- Максимально оптимизирован для «выстреливания», идеален для забросов «overhead»
- Saltwater Shooting taper разработан для забросов в сложных условиях, особенно, в ограниченном пространстве
- Идеален для ловли на «стрип»
- Отлично проявляет себя в ветреную погоду
- Лучший выбор для забросов тяжелых мушек и стримеров
Класс | Длина головы | Вес головы, гр/грейн |
9 | 8 | 24 / 370 |
12 | 8 | 31 / 478 |
Floating, intermediate and sinking lines are all 105 feet long and feature a short forward taper of 30 feet. The intermediate line sinks at 1.25-1.75 IPS, while the sinking line features a sink rate of 4-6 IPS.
105' length, with a 30' taper, and a 75' running line. J3 on floating line only.
The first series of lines to feature the revolutionary AST PLUS slickness additive, the Amplitude will shoot farther and last longer than any other line on the market. It’s slickness down to a science.
Tarpon. Bonefish. Permit. All in one day. All on one fly line. That’s the idea behind the Amplitude Grand Slam, a line designed specifically to help you achieve one of angling’s most elusive accomplishments. With a short, powerful head the Grand Slam cuts through wind and turns over crabs, shrimp, and tarpon toads with ease. We’ve got the line. You just need the fish.
- Features the revolutionary AST Plus slickness additive for superior shooting ability and increased durability
- Floating Texture on the tip section for the ultimate in flotation
- Shooting Texture running line delivers longer casts
- Designed for demanding tropical saltwater applications
- Loads rods quickly, cuts through the wind with ease, and turns over big saltwater flies
- Short, powerful head for quick casts to moving targets
- Tropi-Core technology for tropical climates
Tarpon. Bonefish. Permit. All in one day. All on one line. That’s the idea behind the Mastery Grand Slam, a fly line designed specifically to help you achieve one of angling’s most elusive accomplishments. With a short, powerful head the Grand Slam cuts through wind and turns over crabs, shrimp, and tarpon toads with ease. We’ve got the line. You just need the fish.
Designed for demanding tropical saltwater applications
Loads rods quickly, cuts through wind with ease, and turns over big saltwater flies
Short, powerful head for quick casts to moving targets
Overweighted to load rods quickly and efficiently
Tropi-Core™ technology for tropical climates

• Designed for multiple saltwater applications where a floating line is needed
• Two tone for better visibility
• Low memory for a wide range of weather applications
• Excels at wade fishing in saltwater
• 6-9 weight lines with medium head to aide in distance casting
• 10-14 weight lines with shorter head for quick casts with larger flies
• Small diameter to deal with windy conditions
• Compound taper turns over big flies
• Running line optimized to float and reduces memory
WT | Tip | Front Taper | Front Belly | Rear Belly | Rear Taper | Running Line | Head Length | Total Length |
10 | 0.5' | 6.5' | 14.0' | 10.0' | 7.0' | 62.5' | 37.5' | 100.0' |
It’s not very often you’ll need to fish topwater flies in the salt. That’s where an intermediate line comes in handy. The SONAR Saltwater Intermediate fly line features a slow-sinking clear head that cuts through the surface and provides an amazing amount of stealth for those wary fish cruising the flats. From redfish and bonefish to permit and tarpon, give yourself an edge that fish won’t be able to see.
- Slow sink rate gets flies just below the surface
- Engineered for use in salt water
- Clear head for stealthy presentations
- Tropi-Core technology for tropical climates
- Sink Rate: 1.25 ips (Intermediate)
- SA ID – SA SONAR SWTI WF X I (X = line weight)
Water Type: Saltwater
Species: Redfish, Striper, Bonefish, Permit, Snook, Tarpon
Ultra powerful, easy casting line built for exceptionally long casts.
RIO's Tropical OutBound Short series of lines are designed for fishing in hot climates. A short, aggressive front taper easily casts large and weighted flies very long distances, while the powerful head design loads rods deeply and efficiently for effortless casts. A range of densities make this a very versatile line series. Each line features RIO's XS technology for super slick performance, and is built with a hard, tropical coating that ensures the line does not wilt in the heat.
The three densities available are: 1) A full floating line (F), 2) A floating line with a 30 ft intermediate head (clear and then blue)(F/I), and 3) A floating line with a 15ft clear intermediate tip (F/I)
- Front loaded to cast large flies with ease
- Designed for easy distance
- XS Technology for a super slick coating
- Welded loops for fast rigging

Артикул | Класс | Цвет | Вес | Длина головки | Плавучесть | Полная длина |
6-21828 | WF6F | Dark Olive/Ivory | 235gr 15.2gm | 30ft 9.1m | Float | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21829 | WF7F | Dark Olive/Ivory | 265gr 17.2gm | 30ft 9.1m | Float | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21830 | WF8F | Dark Olive/Ivory | 330gr 21.4gm | 30ft 9.1m | Float | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21831 | WF9F | Dark Olive/Ivory | 375gr 24.3gm | 30ft 9.1m | Float | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21832 | WF10F | Dark Olive/Ivory | 425gr 27.5gm | 30ft 9.1m | Float | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21833 | WF11F | Dark Olive/Ivory | 465gr 30.1gm | 30ft 9.1m | Float | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21834 | WF12F | Dark Olive/Ivory | 510gr 33.1gm | 30ft 9.1m | Float | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21835 | WF8F/I | Clear Tip/Blue/Ivory | 330gr 21.4gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21836 | WF9F/I | Clear Tip/Blue/Ivory | 375gr 24.3gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21837 | WF10F/I | Clear Tip/Blue/Ivory | 425gr 27.5gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21838 | WF11F/I | Clear Tip/Blue/Ivory | 465gr 30.1gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21839 | WF12F/I | Clear Tip/Blue/Ivory | 510gr 33.1gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-20900 | WF7F/I | 15ft Clear Tip/Sand/Sea Grass | 265gr 17.2gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-20901 | WF8F/I | 15ft Clear Tip/Sand/Sea Grass | 330gr 21.4gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-20902 | WF9F/I | 15ft Clear Tip/Sand/Sea Grass | 375gr 24.3gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-20903 | WF10F/I | 15ft Clear Tip/Sand/Sea Grass | 425gr 27.5gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-20904 | WF11F/I | 15ft Clear Tip/Sand/Sea Grass | 465gr 30.1gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-20905 | WF12F/I | 15ft Clear Tip/Sand/Sea Grass | 510gr 33.1gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
Ultra powerful, easy casting line built for exceptionally long casts.
RIO's Tropical OutBound Short series of lines are designed for fishing in hot climates. A short, aggressive front taper easily casts large and weighted flies very long distances, while the powerful head design loads rods deeply and efficiently for effortless casts. A range of densities make this a very versatile line series. Each line features RIO's XS technology for super slick performance, and is built with a hard, tropical coating that ensures the line does not wilt in the heat.
The three densities available are: 1) A full floating line (F), 2) A floating line with a 30 ft intermediate head (clear and then blue)(F/I), and 3) A floating line with a 15ft clear intermediate tip (F/I)
- Front loaded to cast large flies with ease
- Designed for easy distance
- XS Technology for a super slick coating
- Welded loops for fast rigging

Артикул | Класс | Цвет | Вес | Длина головки | Плавучесть | Полная длина |
6-21828 | WF6F | Dark Olive/Ivory | 235gr 15.2gm | 30ft 9.1m | Float | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21829 | WF7F | Dark Olive/Ivory | 265gr 17.2gm | 30ft 9.1m | Float | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21830 | WF8F | Dark Olive/Ivory | 330gr 21.4gm | 30ft 9.1m | Float | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21831 | WF9F | Dark Olive/Ivory | 375gr 24.3gm | 30ft 9.1m | Float | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21832 | WF10F | Dark Olive/Ivory | 425gr 27.5gm | 30ft 9.1m | Float | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21833 | WF11F | Dark Olive/Ivory | 465gr 30.1gm | 30ft 9.1m | Float | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21834 | WF12F | Dark Olive/Ivory | 510gr 33.1gm | 30ft 9.1m | Float | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21835 | WF8F/I | Clear Tip/Blue/Ivory | 330gr 21.4gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21836 | WF9F/I | Clear Tip/Blue/Ivory | 375gr 24.3gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21837 | WF10F/I | Clear Tip/Blue/Ivory | 425gr 27.5gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21838 | WF11F/I | Clear Tip/Blue/Ivory | 465gr 30.1gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-21839 | WF12F/I | Clear Tip/Blue/Ivory | 510gr 33.1gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-20900 | WF7F/I | 15ft Clear Tip/Sand/Sea Grass | 265gr 17.2gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-20901 | WF8F/I | 15ft Clear Tip/Sand/Sea Grass | 330gr 21.4gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-20902 | WF9F/I | 15ft Clear Tip/Sand/Sea Grass | 375gr 24.3gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-20903 | WF10F/I | 15ft Clear Tip/Sand/Sea Grass | 425gr 27.5gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-20904 | WF11F/I | 15ft Clear Tip/Sand/Sea Grass | 465gr 30.1gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
6-20905 | WF12F/I | 15ft Clear Tip/Sand/Sea Grass | 510gr 33.1gm | 30ft 9.1m | Flt/1.5 ips | 100ft 30.5m |
RIO's tarpon short fly lines load a rod instantly and makes "one-shot" casts simple. Each line features a short, powerful head that is heavier than standard lines to easily to load fly rods, and are ideal for less-experienced tarpon anglers and for poor weather conditions. These lines are built on a medium stiff core, and have a hard, tropical coating. Welded loops on both ends of the line allow anglers to rig easily.
- Loads a rod instantly and makes "one-shot" casts simple
- Huge advantage when targeting moving fish
- Built with a hard, tropical coating to ensure the line will not wilt in any heat
- Features a clear intermediate tip of 10 feet long and is ideal for permit and tarpon
When we were first asked to develop this line, we asked ourselves why anyone would need a 50lb test core in a flyline, our testers in the Seychelles said they just did. So we did.