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Зарегистрирован 2017-11-24
Постов 2

Владею этой палкой. Подскажите какие пользовать шнуры . В основном щука, возможно Кольский сёмга.


Зарегистрирован 2016-11-21
Постов 9

Цена 700 рублей. Без торга.

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Зарегистрирован 2016-11-21
Постов 9

Фотоаппарат укомплектован аккумулятором, зарядным устройством , картой памяти на 32 Гб и мягким чехлом. Водонепроницаем до глубины 15 метров, противоударный при падении с 1,5 метра. Для рыбалки очень хорош. Цена 7000 ₽. Без торга.

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Зарегистрирован 2016-11-21
Постов 9

Продаю наборами по 10 штук. Цена 4000 рублей за 10. Отдельно не продаю. Без торга.

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Зарегистрирован 2016-11-21
Постов 9

От плавающего до быстро тонущего. 6 штук. По отдельности не продаю.Без торга. Цена 4000 рублей.

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Зарегистрирован 2016-11-21
Постов 9

Продам за 2000 рублей. Без торга.

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Зарегистрирован 2014-08-15
Постов 792

Материалы в размотках от UNI™ вновь пополнили наш ассортимент!

    нейлоновые плоские нити Nylon UNI™ ,

    прочнейшие многоволоконные нити UNI-Cord UNI™ ,

    6-ти прядная тесьма и волокна Axxel UNI™,
    искусственный Шелк UNI™, в том числе светящийся UNI-Glo Floss UNI™,

    Пряжи (шерстянная, мохеровая) UNI™ ,
В продаже - органайзеры для бобинок UNI™ на 14, 18 и 36 шпуль .



Зарегистрирован 2015-01-31
Постов 328

Продам станок для ремонта и сборки удилищ. Цена 6 000 руб.+ пересыл за счёт покупателя.

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Зарегистрирован 2018-12-19
Постов 5

Интересна плоская невощеная нить размера 10/0-16/0. Просто не на все нити есть описание. Что можете порекомендовать?


Зарегистрирован 2020-07-23
Постов 1

День добрый форумчане. Прикупил себе такую палочку в росте 10ф5 класс, 3 частник. Хотелось бы услышать тех ,кто в курсе про эти палки., у кого может были. По первым покидушкам могу сказать что шнур на класс выше WF, бросает довольно не плохо. Вопрос в том что есть ли смысл брать более высокий класс. В интернете о них инфа есть но очень мало, а про Precision, вообще нет. Да и возможность покидать к сожалению другие классы нет. Может кто что знает, то напишите.

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Зарегистрирован 2014-08-15
Постов 792

Ножницы – необходимый инструмент для вязальщика. Если они качественные и подобраны правильно, работать будет быстро. Кроме того, удобно иметь несколько пар для различных целей.

Польская компания RENOMED специализируется на изготовлении ножниц для различных целей на протяжении многих лет. Теперь они появились и в нашем ассортименте.

У нас можно приобрести :

    RENOMED Ножницы прямые Big Loop Flytier Straight Pointed Scissors SuperCut - Flytier - универсальное решение для профессиональной работы. Эти ножницы среднего размера сочетают в себе две уникальные особенности: лезвия SuperCut (уникальное зубчатое лезвие в сочетании с лезвием бритвенного типа) обеспечивают исключительную производительность и долговечность, а большие петли для пальцев - комфорт и точность при работе ,
    ножницы RENOMED Straight Pointed Fishing Scissors (представлены в нескольких размерах) - острый и точный инструмент для работы с материалами и мухами, от самых мелких до крупных стримеров,
    и RENOMED Ножницы прямые Large Straight Rounded Tip Scissors – со скругленными кончиками, также представлены в разных размерах, отличаются общей длиной и длиной лезвий.

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Зарегистрирован 2015-09-30
Постов 1

Продаю собранная длинна 7.5 ft строй быстрый для малых рек и ручьев. Цена 15000 торг. Коробки для мухc C&F новые 2шт. По2000 р. Шнуры 4-6класс подготовленные без рыбалки по1000р.В Москве Пересыл.89266062315

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Зарегистрирован 2014-08-15
Постов 792

В поставке японского производителя VARIVAS представлены:

    VARIVAS Удлиняющие шнуры “повышенной плавучести” Airs Shooting Line .

Также в наличии

[img] https://fly-fishing.ru/media/content_item_list_pictures/d30e68cfe46871ed947c98f577ce3c72_0LG326Z.png.220x140_q85_crop-80%25%20center.jpg [/img]


Зарегистрирован 2014-08-15
Постов 792

С радостью сообщаем, что розничный магзин FLY-FISHING по адресу Москва, ул. Гастелло, 39 (Рыболов) возобновляет свою работу с 10 июля!

В ближайшее время можно будет совершать покупки, согласно следующему графику работы:

    со ВТОРНИКА по СУББОТТУ - с 11.00 до 20.00,
    ВОСКРЕСЕНЬЕ, ПОНЕДЕЛЬНИК - выходные дни.

Для Вашей и нашей безопасности следуем правилам:

    Все сотрудники носят маски и перчатки
    Мы дезинфицируем весь магазин 2 раза в день
    Просим вас соблюдать социальную дистанцию согласно разметке в магазине
    Покупатели могут находиться в магазине только в маске.

Будем рады вновь видеть вас в розничном магазине!

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Зарегистрирован 2020-06-23
Постов 2

Интересует вес данных головок в размере 3.8мм.,4.0мм.,4.8мм.,5.5мм.,6.3мм.Всем за раннее спасибо! С Уважением.


Зарегистрирован 2015-05-26
Постов 22

Добрый день.
Продам свитч-удилище Douglas DXF 51064 (5 класс свич-удилищ)
Длина удилища - 10 футов и 6 дюймов
На воде было 2 раза
Состояние абсолютно нового изделия

Цена - 15 000 руб
На сайте производителя сейчас оно стОит 480 $
Отправка в регионы при необходимости
Контакт через ЛС или по телефону +7 916 841 три три 92

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Зарегистрирован 2020-06-02
Постов 5

Salmon fly fishing rod and reel are the common gear used by anglers when catching salmon. They are easier to cast when properly combined with the rod and reel, which makes them ideal for the beginners. When using them, it is fun to control to catch salmon. The reasons that make choosing the fly fishing rod and reel so confusing is because of there many rods and reels in the market. Therefore, different rods and reels needed to be handled carefully.

For this reason, most fly fishermen who have been fishing for several years have at least 3 different types of rods and reels. For the same reason, some are designed for particular types of salmon species, while others are for general fishing. Here are factors to consider when choosing the salmon fly fishing rod and reel.


The action of the salmon fly fishing reel and rod refers to the flexing of the rod, its curve, and its speed of recovery when removing the load. This describes the stiffness and flexibility of the rod. When carrying out the fly fishing, it affects the way a fishing rod carries the fly line weight during the cast. Also, it affects how to cast, how to handle the fish, and how you will feel in the hand. Typically, there is a fast-medium and slow action. The best action depends on where you are fishing, salmon species you are targeting, the conditions of fishing, the style of starting, your skills, and your preferred type of initial action.

The length

If you buy the salmon fly fishing rod and reel, you will see that they have different length options. The length affects the casting ability of the rod, and the different lengths adapt to different fishing circumstances. Nine Feet is a medium that offers a good balance between strength, control, precision, and casting distance. It’s the versatile fly fishing rod and reel length, particularly when it comes to salmon. It adapts to different fishing conditions and species and is a good choice for the beginners and fishers who want the versatile fly fishing rod and reel. Longer lengths allow for longer, stronger cast and offer better control of the line. They are ideal for finding large salmon species in large waters.

The shaft materials

The salmon fly fishing rod and reel material influences how the hands feel and performance. Therefore, it is important to consider when choosing the fly fishing rod and reel. Fly fishing rods and reels for salmon have a long way since their time. Bamboo rods can be used. They are soft, heavy, slow-action, and require many skills, care, and patience. The well-made bamboo fly fishing rod is the work of art that costs few coins. Passionate fly fishermen invest in them to appreciate their beauty, know-how, tradition, and experience of the fly fishing traditionally.

The handle

When choosing the salmon fly fishing rod and reel, the handle is very important. It gives you the leverage and controls you require when casting and also fighting fish. On successful and enjoyable fly fishing trips, keep hands on the handles for some hours. It must feel well balanced and comfortable in the hands, providing the firm grip in every condition and also minimizing the wrist fatigue.

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Зарегистрирован 2020-06-02
Постов 5

There are many reasons to prefer left or right hand retrieve fly fishing. They involve launching and casting the leader (along with the appropriate bait). Or it might affect the recovery phase, possibly helping or disturbing any combat with the prey.

Is right hand retrieve fly fishing just a habit?

Many believe that it is a natural predisposition. The fact of being left-handed or right-handed should be enough to explain why one way is better than the other. Yet, we can consider some meaningful details that make us wonder what is actually going on. Let's see why!

Let's think about practical reasons that could support using the right hand to retrieve fly fishing. Why mount the reel on the rod with the handle on the right or left?

The numerous users of automatic reeling have obviously chosen to skip this discussion by adopting a different technology. The other fly fishermen try out either way.

Both methods work. Then, maybe some prefer one or the other for aesthetic reasons or tradition. Once you learned to fly fish following an effective method, why would you change it?

As usual, here is an opportunity for everyone to reflect. As it should be. What seems to happen every time is that developing a system makes the fisherman's recovery technique relevant to his/her needs.

The practical reasons: who uses a left hand retrieve when fly fishing?

The most common reason is that the handle of the crank annoys the fisherman. One might choose to right hand retrieve fly fishing baits because it gets easier to position oneself.

The rod could also limit the position for retrieval, creating a problem. Sometimes, the appropriate rod affects the way we cast and battle with the fish. Take the design of a switch fishing rod, for example. This design is more versatile, and it lets fishermen cast with one hand or both. Click here to view a Maxcatch Switch Fly Fishing Rod kit for a light switch fishing rod design.

A lack of experimentation with different positions of the reel could mean a lack of use of the reel in the first place. Using your hands to pinch the line may be fun. However, it is a habit that could lead to cuts or skin chafing. Many wear gloves and transform the problem into a humidity problem. Developing a left or right hand retrieve fly fishing routine could help your skin to restore itself.

What can we learn from hand retrieving?

Remember the last time you caught a fish. If it annoyed you to pass the rod from one hand to another, then you might need to change the position of the reel.

Start with a different reel seat. Try out different rod designs. You do not have to choose the right hand retrieve fly fishing method because your dad told you so. Traditions are also tricky, and it would be better to test them out.

It is important to avoid anything that can distract you from your goal. However, if it makes reaching the goal easier, you better test it out.

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Зарегистрирован 2020-06-02
Постов 5

The award of Best new fly fishing gear for 2019 for some top brands gave goosebump feel to the customers. Many world-class fly fishing companies have gained the award for their quality gear supply. Depending upon customers' feedback and ratings on the internet, quality of the gear, the success ratio of the gear in the water, and longevity are the major features considered for selecting the best fly fishing gear in 2019. The major companies bagged the best gear award are Simms, scientific angler, and Scott.

Rods and vest in 2019

The Scott fly rods steal the show by bagging the best gear of 2019. The sector series of Scott has gained the overall popularity with its top-notch features. The rods' high performance, fast-action technology, carbon web technology, and PVD coating are the major attractive features for its selection. The other product is the vest for kids namely tenderfoot youth vest of fish pond company. It is a famous apparel used for fly fishing. This quality product for little anglers gained the top spot in 2019.

The fly rod of sage has also gained the name of the best gear in 2019. The rods of freshwater for catching Trout fishes are available with 3to 6 in lengths good for light tippet and closed cast. The other rod of Sage is a two-handed Spey rod which is used for catching trout fishes.

Best Fly box and chest pack of 2019

The fly box of fish pond company is another stellar product in the year 2019. The fly dock is a top performer for anglers providing him extreme comfort for carrying flies to the river. Next comes Patagonia's tote bag which is an ecofriendly product used by the anglers. This bag is exclusively used by the fishing customers for carrying fishing gear during the fly fishing task. Next, we shall see about Fishpond's chest pack for the anglers. This chest pack helps the angler to carry small materials like water bottle, coat, and fishing gear. This chest pack is very slim and innovative to the users

Men's and women's' materials of fly fishing

Men and women's' wader apparels of Simms brands are given the best of show awards in 2019. The men waders namely G4Z stocking foot wader and bug stopper leggings have gained the top position in the list of the best gear. The reels for fly fishing gear viz Ross reels and saltwater reels, Abel reels for saltwater are the major gear of 2019. Both these reels have performed better on the water by the anglers for many days. These reels have given outstanding performance in terms of fishing success ratio to the anglers.

Accessories. fly hooks, fly pattern and fly tying material has also named the best gear of 2019. Simms fishing products of accessories, scientific anglers' fly tying materials, and tippets are the major top gainers in the list. Men's outerwear, wading boots, waders, and general apparel of Simms fishing company has earned the best gear awards in 2019. Women's outerwear and wading apparel of Simms too joined the list of the best gear.


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Зарегистрирован 2020-06-02
Постов 5

What is Fly Fishing Equipment?

When we talk about antique fly fishing tackle, we mean the equipment used by people when they are fishing. Hooks, weights, reels, baits, lures, nets, hooks, flies are some of the instruments used by an angler and considered as gear.

In previous times to capture the fish, these tools for fishing as the rings for the rod, the hooks, and others as the flies came in very classic presentations for the time that generally were very peculiar boxes, however, at present, you have sites like Maxcathfishing where you find a great variety of antique fly fishing tackle to make your day of fishing a complete pleasure.

Fly Fishing Equipment


Ultra-lite Fly Rod for Streams Panfish/Trout Fishing is a combo with the necessary accessories for a splendid day of fishing, it is a real fly fishing tackle box that comes with a lightweight fishing rod, with a length of 1.8 meters, weighing 73 grams, made of IM10 graphite and carbon fiber, cork handle, with a wooden insert reel base and CNC aluminum reel seat, hard chrome guides, and durable Cordura rod tube.

This rod is ideal for fishing in small streams, the fly reel with 1 to 1 ratio, with two ball bearings, 1 unidirectional bearing, the drag system is Teflon disc, built-in aluminum and with large gazebo reel diameter, also this fly fishing gear equipment comes with a beautifully designed box containing 12 waterproof flies.

All in a sanity case and an attractive zipper bag.

Antique fly fishing tackle has evolved over the years, and there is talk of fly fishing dating back to two. 000 before Christ and this is supported by paintings and engravings of that time where clearly it is observed to the men fishing doing use of fishing rods with lines tied to her, although there is strong evidence that in Macedonia it is where the use of the equipment arises for the fly fishing, the natives used an insect called Hippouros that is then responsible for the flies that are used nowadays imitating it.

Components of an antique fly fishing tackle

In the beginning, they were made of a Chinese bamboo called Tonkin which had unmatched characteristics of hardness, strength, and flexibility. With the evolution of technology today they are made of glass fiber and carbon fiber with more advanced features, the most common lengths are between seven and eleven feet, the type of rod to use will depend on the type of fish you want to fish, the place where the fishing will be done and also the tastes and habits of the fisherman, it plays a decisive role in the launch of the line and is the support when the fight with the fish.

The line is an essential part of an antique fly fishing tackle, in the antiquity, it was manufactured with silkworm guts, horse mane bristles, vegetable fibers, stretched animal tendons, with the advance and invention of nylon this has resulted in the best material for a fishing line, for its resistance and flexibility conditions, camouflage and minimum weight, there are several categories such as Rocket Taper have the weight at the end and are used to achieve distance, Double Taper have the weight in the middle and thin tips, are used for fishing in streams and creeks and Shooting Tapers with the weight in the tip reach a great distance, also are classified with numbers from 000 to 15.

Reels, this component serves to store the line, have a brake to make the fight with the fish manageable. The weight and dimensions of the reel should depend on the type of rod used.

Backing is the component that ties the line to the reel and has the line in case of a big fight with the fish.

Flies are the artificial lures used to resemble a fly or anything that the fish eat insects, fish, or crustaceans, usually are made manually with materials such as thread, feathers, and synthetic materials.

Wader, is a waterproof garment, from the feet to the chest, used to get into the river without getting wet, are manufactured in PVC, neoprene as in low-temperature rivers its insulating capacity protects you from the cold.

It does not matter if you are an experienced angler or a beginner or an amateur, fly fishing is an ancient and fun pastime, it goes back to the past and tradition governs its behavior, this tradition knowing that there are many reasons to take a fish out, is truly an art that makes fly fishing special for the human spirit.


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